Thursday, August 6, 2009

choco powder.

I finished my Public Speaking speech today! No more worries for it. No more rushing of speeches. Great! (:

I woke up from my sleep last night, thinking that Calculus main exam paper was today. So scary! I sms-ed Huiyin and thank god, I think too much. Its next week. Haha!

Oh! & Channel 8's new 9pm show, Heart Of Greed, is hilarious! I was laughing so badly yesterday when I was watching it. Next time you all see me, I shall do what they do when they laugh. Hahahahaha!

Okay! I have planned to do something amazing during holidays! Ok lah, at least I find it so. This is exciting exciting exciting!

this looks good! even the box can be eaten!
wooo! yummy!

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