Friday, September 4, 2009

nothing's gonna change my love for you

Wednesday, Cherie and I went to Yiwen's house for a baking session! My first time baking. It was fun! I always wanted to bake cake but my house no oven ah. Only got microwave. LOL.



I met horrible people at work.

Its normal that we give brochures/vouchers to customers about our mooncakes or whatsoever right?

The same person: "Why did you all give me these?"
Me: "Oh its for you to browse through and the vouchers you can..."
(before I could finish what I was saying)

He: "For what?! Doesn't benefit me what."

Should look at how he look at people. Grr.


Today at work, the supervisors and manager helped me a lot
Maybe because they know I am hungry. LOL.

& I bleach my shirt twice today. ):


I'm going to cut my hair tomorrow! Yayyyy! (:
& I want to try Swensens Hazelnut Mudpie! Yummy!

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