Saturday, August 29, 2009

talk about past.

I ended my last paper with very little confidence. I left a 8 marks question blank. And I only realised that I didn't do that question on the very last minute. So like we are suppose to end our paper at 1130am, I realise it at 1129am. =.=

Anyway it was the last day of exams so still gotta enjoy right? Went to Subway for lunch with Vivian, Royce and Peckteng. Then we watched separate movies. Peckteng accompanied me to watch The Final Destination and she regreted it. Hahaha!

But I like the show! Although I covered my eyes for a few scenes, but it was awesome man! It was a good choice not watching it in 3D cause it would have been even scarier!

Funny ah, peckteng can watch those Thai/ghost movies but she cannot watch movies like Final Destination. While I am the opposite. LOL.


At work, there was this family of four. I sent the bill to them.

Father: Is there any card promotions?
Me: Yes, HSBC 10%.
Father: Wow! So I pay for 10% only?!
Mother: You pay for 90% lah. Your maths fail ah? *leans over to the husband*

Then they all started laughing.

It may not seem funny but its like I could sense their happiness you know. Hahaha! I like this kind of customers! (:


I paid $16 for a box of red bean ice-cream. Those 50 cents - $1 ice-cream with biscuit de. Kor said I was being tricked by the 2 kids. But I only wanted to help them... ):


  1. shumei too nice alr thats why people can cheat her easily!

  2. isit one girl say the brother beside her etc dunno what??
    they come my house also! then i nv buy cuz all bluff one, everytime got different story AHHAHA!


  3. cherie: so sad uh. ): seeya on wed!

    jasmine: YA! ITS THEM! i was studying then i they keep persuading. ): Kana tricked.
